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Cervical MRI Test

  What to Expect from a Brain Injury Doctor Near Me

When you have experienced a brain injury or suspected that you have, it’s critical that you find a brain injury doctor near me sooner rather than later. John Styliaras Neurosurgeon specializes in traumatic brain injuries, allowing you to learn about the various ways that you can regain more function and start to live your life on your terms once again.


A brain MRI test will need to be conducted in order to learn more about this synopsis in the brain. It will identify what is going on so that a diagnosis can be made. Without the diagnosis, you remain in limbo without really knowing what is wrong and what to expect with any of it.


Additionally, a cervical MRI test is likely going to be conducted on the cervical spine as it runs through your neck. Detailed images can be obtained to make it easier to see what kind of damage is in place. This will make it easier to determine what types of surgeries can be done in order to make improvements.


There may be a lot happening inside of your skull, and it’s not all having to do with your brain. As a neurosurgeon and a doctor that specializes in brain injuries, I’m uniquely capable of helping you. With a cervical MRI test and a brain MRI test, we can learn more about what’s going on. Brain bleeds, skull fractures, and more can be addressed but only when we know that they exist. Without knowing, more damage could be happening every hour, which is why time is of the essence, especially with head trauma.


I believe in treating the whole body, so when you’re searching for a brain injury doctor near me, I take a different approach. I want to find out the full extent of the brain injury on your body so that you know what to expect. If you’re not prepared for all that can happen, you can’t be in control of your body. Plus, I want to make sure that there are no surprises along the way.


As a brain injury doctor near me, I’ve worked with children and adults. I’ve seen brain injuries of all degrees, and work to treat them in new and different ways. St. Luke’s offers some of the best equipment designed to handle traumatic brain injuries – and there’s an incredible team of medical professionals to help you overcome your issues.


The first step is to reach out and schedule an appointment. From there, it will be easier to get a full diagnosis and understand what’s happening. I can talk to you about the recommended treatment plan, answer questions, and guide you toward a positive outcome.

Neurological Surgeon

John C. Styliaras MD,MS

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